I want to talk to you about one of my absolute favorite products that I offer, well they are all my favorite but this is my favoritist! There is something so magical about a beautiful flushmount album with an amazing leather or fabric and photo fusion cover sitting on your coffee table, or entry table for people to view. I go though the best lab with the highest quality and I know this product will last you generations, your grandchildren will fight over who gets this album!
The pages are super thick and sturdy, mounted flush to a 1/16″ board, offering a solid feel. The spreads are panoramic with no gutter so an image across two pages looks flawless. Absolutely layflat when opened and viewing. With a one-piece wraparound leather cover with so many beautiful colors to choose from.
I offer these albums in 5×7, 9x12 and 11x14. And if square is more your style I can do that also! Here are the images of my sample album, please share and comment if you love it also!